To All Softball Parents:
PQGSA Softball teams have always benefited from the cheering of parents, family, friends and other spectators at league games. We appreciate this support and expect it will continue this season.
Good sportsmanship should be one of the most important lessons our children will take away from playing youth softball. To this end, positive conduct by spectators helps promote good sportsmanship by players on the field. The converse is also true, and unfortunately, spectator misconduct has become more prevalent in youth sports.
Below are some examples of spectator misconduct:
- Verbal abuse of the referee (bad-mouthing the umpires, complaining about the calls made, etc.)
- Excessive negative cheering or commenting about opposing team players (the players pick it up)
- Inciting the players to commit fouls or play violently
- Fighting with other spectators
We encourage good 'spectatorship" by remaining positive, showing respect for the umpires and the other teams, and trusting the coaches who work hard with the girls. This will creat a supportive environment for all.
PQGSA Softball